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  • Javarain

  • April 2024
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I want to introduce you to my friend, Joanna, who writes an intelligent and insightful blog about things that matter in our world. Her most recent post titled, “Bearing Our Own Energy Burden” provoked a strong reaction in me.
I have been looking into the truth about Hydro-Fracking and the impact it will have on us here in Dryden, NY. A lingering question in my mind has been, “Why can’t they figure out a better way?”. I’m ashamed to say, Joanna’s viewpoint never occurred to me, nor have I heard anyone in our area mention it. There seemed to be only two sides to this debate on extracting energy from underneath our soil: For= Because we need it and it’s not really so harmful, or Against= It is harmful and we don’t want to suffer the consequences.Sadly, I had never thought of it as a Human Rights issue.

Please click on the LINK above to continue reading and let us (Joanna or me) know what do you think of Joanna’s viewpoint.


The Keystone XL pipeline – once relatively unknown to everyone but energy execs and protestors – has become a major US election issue and the source of much controversy lately.

The proposed pipeline would carry oil 2,000 miles from Canada’s tar sands through the US and down to Texas. Environmental activists have been fighting the project aggressively. They claim it would threaten indigenous populations, run the risk of major spills, speed up climate change, and waste vast amounts of water.

They’re probably right, but lately I’ve been frustrated by the rhetoric.

I have seen firsthand the absolutely devastating impact of unregulated, unchecked energy production. Fly ash pollution, oil spills, and poisoned well-water are real, and most of the time the companies responsible never pay appropriate damages. Even the best injury attorneys have to invest millions just to take the offending corporations to court. That’s a big gamble on behalf of…

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