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  • January 2012
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Migraine Days

migraine medications - pain begins to ease

Image by Joana Roja - working long hours, mostly away via Flickr

English: The fortification illusions of migraine
Image via Wikipedia

Yesterday began with confusion. I called my friend and she was available to meet me earlier than I had expected. My mind began to spread out in too many directions. I had expected to have a long and relaxed morning as usual, gradually easing into yet another of my days.

Reading, listening, learning, that’s how I like to begin my winter days, very slowly. Suddenly, I was up, dressing, heart pounding, trying to find addresses so I could make a run to the Post Office on my way to or fro.

It didn’t happen. I ran out the door, forgetting the grocery list, eye twitching, brain befuddled, words from my husband lost in space. What was it he said about bringing back lunch?

When I received his call at 1pm expecting me home, I came out from the dark tunnel, “But, there is a car at our house, can’t you get lunch?”

He hadn’t thought about asking the man working at our house to go out to get subs, why was my mind so dark? Of course, he wouldn’t think of asking a worker to go out to buy lunch.

Eye twitched the entire day, something is wrong. Back hurts, stomach hurts, I moan in my sleep, tossing and turning.

Today I have a migraine, and feel that I have lost half my brain and vocabulary. If I am correct, it will return eventually, and I will not alarm myself with worry. This too shall pass.

In the meantime, everything I eat will hurt. It is like a race to find the right thing to fill my stomach before I become nauseous, and the headache waves return. Coughing hurts, so does opening my mouth in a yawn. My hands and feet are stone cold, I’m shivering but no blanket helps.

I marvel that I ate cheese and chocolate just the other day! Today, even Cheerios hurt.

4 Responses

  1. Hi Mary,
    I so hope that you are feeling better now, dear friend.


    • I’m in my vague phase right now, where I’m sort of dull and just hanging in there. Fortunately, can cancel all activities until further notice! Thanks, dear.


  2. Wow… this sounds pretty unpleasant — beautifully written, though.


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