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  • November 2011
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Oh, Herman! Do We Know You?

Herman Cain

Image via Wikipedia

More than a few of us are  becoming skeptical over all these women coming out of  Herman Cain’s past claiming that he is a Sexual Predator.

He was an influential man before becoming a candidate for President of the United States.  Head of the National Restaurant Association ten years ago, he is no stranger to power. If he was a sexual predator then, why are all of these women just coming out to accuse him now?

Herman seems to be the “spoiler” in the GOP Presidential primary. He’s made just about every mistake possible, many of his remarks about immigration, foreign policy and the world seem offensive and ignorant. But, he just keeps coming, remaining unflappable, and maintaining his innocence. Is he the “monster”, one woman claims?

Sexual harassment is a terrible thing and being treated inappropriately when you come forward to report it is inexcusable.

It may have taken great courage for these women to come forward, if so I salute them. If Herman Cain is a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”, we need to know it.

It’s just that the timing seems “off” somehow

I could be wrong, but I have this nagging “gut” feeling that someone in politics is uncomfortable with a Black man running ahead of Mitt Romney and others and may be trying to sabotage his chances. Is there fear that in a Presidential race between two African-American, Herman Cain could win? Surely not.

If this is some grand plan to play on historical racial fears, I pray he will continue to stand strong, and above all, that Americans will not fall for it.

2 Responses

  1. In a race between Cain and Obama, Cain will lose embarrassingly. Can you imagine a debate between the two? Cain is a joke. Whether he’s a “plant” or not, we live to see. But the best thing that could happen to the Obama campaign would be for him to win the GOP primary. LOL!


    • Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Celeste. I love that we can discuss these things, though we don’t know each other in person. In my opinion, none of the GOP Candidates would measure up well with Obama. Now, Newt is rising…a sad, sad state of affairs.


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