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  • August 2010
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Black and White:Glenn Beck and The Mosque


Demonstrating against the Mosque near Ground Zero

“It seems that we can’t force people to be sensitive, can we? We wish for it, we can ask for it, but freedom is just that..Free.”

It broke my heart to see the division on the National Mall in Washington, DC over the weekend.  Glenn Beck, uncharacteristically, tried to allay the nation’s fears by advertising his event as “Re-Storing Honor”, and being “pro-military” (which it apparently was). But, I hope some of the overwhelmingly white audience felt uncomfortable claiming to represent this as God’s way for America to “restore honor”.

I’m glad that MLK Jr’s niece was able to call for the end of racism during her speech before this group. I didn’t hear the audience’s response but I hope it was wildly enthusiastic. For some reason, Rev. Al Sharpton and a group of African-Americans didn’t feel welcomed, despite the fact that our US military is highly integrated. Rev. Al held a separate rally elsewhere on the National Mall

Denying that it was insensitive to hold the event on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr‘s, I have a Dream speech, despite much controversy rang hollow. Even if it was “accidental”, that fact alone betrays how far apart we whites are from the hearts of African-Americans. I include myself here since I didn’t know about this date. But someone as high-profile as Glenn Beck should have had a better advisor if he wished to avoid controversy.  But this is where his ‘alleged’ innocence wears thin to me..since when has Glenn Beck ever wished to avoid controversy?

But, Beck’s behavior aside, the insensitivity of holding this event on this exact date, in this exact place, is particularly notable given the cry for “sensitivity” we are hearing in NYC about the site of the mosque.  Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin seem no more “sensitive” to the feelings of African-Americans than is the Imam who wants to build his Center two blocks away from Ground Zero “sensitive” to the feelings of 9/11 survivors. Oh, but that’s different, demonstrators will say. Hmmm..how is it different?

It seems that we can’t force people to be sensitive, can we? We wish for it, we can ask for it, but freedom is just that..Free.

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  1. Black and White:Glen Beck and The Mosque…

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